Humbled, exhausted, energized, and amazed - this weekend has been a labor of love, in the works for months now, and we are just so grateful at how our community has rallied together to help support our son Harrison. We received donations of goods from at least 35 households in the area and could have easily filled a shop. Hundreds of people visited us over the last three days and there were countless occasions where a small purchase for a suggested price of $5 turned into a generous $20 bill (or more!). We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and kindness from friends, family, neighbors, and even people we’d never met. Everything from bringing us snacks and drinks, early morning set up, sorting random boxes of stuff to restock tables as they emptied out, and even stopping by just to say hi. Harrison is so much more than just a 5-yr. old with unique needs…he really seems to be gifted at inspiring community building: friendships were deepened through this process, new relationships formed and ready for future memories to be made, unique connections that we didn’t realize we needed just “happened” to occur. As we sit here ready to pass out from the crazy marathon we just finished, we simply can’t believe how amazing it is that Harrison’s story would inspire the best in our neighborhood, community, and this wonderful city.
The funds raised will help us get a third round of stem cells down in LA and we hope to go down in early September depending on the clinic availability.
Thank you Tacoma. Thank you neighbors. Thank you friends. Thank you family. Words cannot even begin to explain just how much we love you all. We can’t wait to do this again later in the summer! We're getting close to our goal so the next sale should get us over the hump. <3